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DiagrammeR (development version)

DiagrammeR 1.0.11

CRAN release: 2024-02-02

DiagrammeR 1.0.10

CRAN release: 2023-05-18

  • Remove dependency on the influenceR package, which also means removing the get_constraint() and get_bridging() graph inspection functions. (#486)

DiagrammeR 1.0.9

CRAN release: 2022-03-05

DiagrammeR 1.0.8

CRAN release: 2022-01-24

  • Reduce minimum R version requirement.

DiagrammeR 1.0.7

CRAN release: 2022-01-15


CRAN release: 2020-05-08

  • Removed the set_df_as_node_attr(), set_df_as_edge_attr(), and get_attr_dfs() functions.

DiagrammeR 1.0.5

CRAN release: 2020-01-16

  • Removes the ability to save a DiagrammeR graph object as a Gephi file (.gexf) since the rgexf package is no longer maintained.

DiagrammeR 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2018-03-01

  • Added the helper functions node_aes(), node_data(), edge_aes(), and edge_data() to facilitate the binding of node and edge aesthetic and data attribute values; several functions now have namesake arguments that accept these functions’ output.

  • Added traversal functions trav_in_until() and trav_out_until().

  • Information about the graph is now displayed in the console when the graph object is called

  • Error messages are now more helpful and try to provide pointers for the more common errors.


Functions renamed: (old functions were removed)

Functions removed:

cache_edge_attrs(), cache_edge_attrs_ws(), cache_edge_count_ws(), cache_node_attrs(), cache_node_attrs_ws(), cache_node_count_ws(), clear_global_graph_attrs(), image_icon(), set_global_graph_attrs().

DiagrammeR 0.9.2

CRAN release: 2017-09-06

  • Added functions to generate 2D and 3D grid graphs (add_grid_2d() and add_grid_3d())

  • Added _ws() (with selection) variants of the mutate_[node/edge]_attrs() functions for mutating node or edge attributes for only those nodes/edges in an active selection

  • Incorporated an edges argument into the select_edges() function in order to filter the selection of edges to a set of edge ID values

  • Reduced the dependency on R to version >= 3.2.0

DiagrammeR 0.9.1

CRAN release: 2017-08-21

  • Simplified many functions internally

  • Added a default print method for graph objects

  • Allowed use of bare node or edge attribute names in many functions

  • Implemented graph actions as a means to run one or more functions at every graph transformation step; for example, this can be used to automatically update a node attribute such as betweenness whenever modifications to the graph are made (e.g., adding nodes, removing edges, etc.)

  • Data frames can be set as node or edge attributes with the set_df_as_node_attr() and set_df_as_edge_attr() functions; the get_attr_dfs() function allows for retrieval of stored data frame data

  • Added two new graph-generating functions (add_gnp_graph(), add_pa_graph(), and create_complement_graph())

  • Added functions to clone existing nodes and edges (add_n_node_clones() and add_edge_clone())

  • Added several count_* functions (count_asymmetric_node_pairs(), count_automorphisms(), etc.)

  • Added new functions to obtain graph properties (get_adhesion(), get_girth(), get_reciprocity(), etc.)

  • Added several is_* functions for graph and edge properties (e.g., is_edge_loop(), is_graph_dag(), etc.)

  • The mutate_node_attrs() and mutate_edge_attrs() functions now have simpler and more powerful interfaces for mutating node and edge attributes

  • Graphs can be easily saved to disk (and read from disk) using the save_graph() and open_graph() functions

DiagrammeR 0.9.0

CRAN release: 2017-01-03

  • Modified basic structure of node and edge data frames such that ID values are automatically set as integer values

  • Just as nodes do, edges now have edge ID values (they can be obtained using get_edge_ids() and they can be used directly in the select_edges_by_edge_id() function)

  • When created, a graph object automatically generates a graph ID and graph name (which can be modified using set_graph_name())

  • So long as node label values are unique, they may now be used to compose edges using the add_edge() function with use_labels = TRUE

  • Quickly and flexibly add color to nodes and edges using the colorize_node_attrs() and colorize_edge_attrs() functions

  • Added functions to selectively modify existing node and edge attributes: copy_[node/edge]_attrs(), drop_[node/edge]_attrs(), mutate_[node/edge]_attrs(), recode_[node/edge]_attrs(), rename_[node/edge]_attrs(), and rescale_[node/edge]_attrs().

  • New node and edge attributes can now be easily added to a graph via a data frame using the join_node_attrs() and join_edge_attrs() functions

  • Several graph generators are available for quickly adding graph primitives to a graph object (add_balanced_tree(), add_cycle(), add_full_graph(), add_path(), add_prism(), and add_star())

  • All traversal functions can now migrate numeric node or edge attribute values to the traversed edges (e.g., trav_out_edge(), trav_in_node()) by providing an attribute name to copy_attrs_from(); for those traversal functions where nodes or edges may receive multiple values, one can specify an aggregation type in their agg argument (e.g,. trav_in_node(), trav_both_edge())

  • Multiple conditions can be specified for all traversal types and for the select_nodes() and select_edges() functions, plus, they are much easier to write

  • Added the mk_cond() helper function for creating conditions for any of the traversal functions (trav_...()), and, the select_nodes() and select_edges() functions; this helper allows for easier composition of selection/traversal conditions using variables and/or function calls

  • With a selection of edges one can now use select_rev_edges_ws() to transform that selection to that of the selected edges’ reverse edges (where available); the option is there to add the reverse edges to the edge selection or to simply replace the current selection

  • Caching attributes for later use has been made simpler with a collection of cache_...() functions (or, set the cache explicitly using set_cache()); get the graph’s cache using the get_cache() function

  • Added functions to allow for layout control of nodes (set_node_position(), layout_nodes_w_string(), nudge_node_positions())

  • Added functions to convert DiagrammeR graphs to igraph graphs and vice versa (to_igraph(), from_igraph())

  • Now you can create a graph from an adjacency matrix (from_adj_matrix())

  • Added functions to get community membership with a variety of algorithms: get_cmty_edge_btwns(), get_cmty_fast_greedy(), get_cmty_l_eigenvec(), get_cmty_louvain(), and get_cmty_walktrap().

  • Added functions to determine similarity coefficient scores for graph nodes: get_dice_similarity() and get_dice_similarity().

  • Constraint scores for nodes can now be determined using the get_constraint() function

  • Functions for getting information on nodes neighbors have been added: get_nbrs(), get_non_nbrs(), get_similar_nbrs().

  • Groups of nodes that are weakly or strongly connected components can be determined using the get_w_connected_cmpts() and get_s_connected_cmpts() functions

  • Get articulation points (i.e., nodes that, when removed, disconnect the graph) with the get_articulation_points() function

  • Obtain centrality measures for graph nodes using the get_closeness() and get_betweenness() functions

  • Get the minimum-spanning tree subgraph from a graph with weighted edges using the get_min_spanning_tree() function

  • The edge direction may be reversed for an entire graph (rev_edge_dir()) or for part of a graph using an edge selection (rev_edge_dir_ws())

  • Depth-first search and breadth-first search algorithms are available in the do_dfs() and do_bfs() functions

  • Degree data for plots can now be easily obtained using the get_degree_distribution() and get_degree_histogram() functions

  • Global graph attributes are now more easily modifiable using a set of functions for this purpose: add_global_graph_attrs(), delete_global_graph_attrs(), get_global_graph_attr_info().

  • Added option to display different text labels on nodes via the display node attribute; this is easily set with the set_node_attr_to_display() function

  • Rewrote many graph functions (e.g. traversals) so that they are faster for very large graphs

  • A log of all graph functions that directly modify the graph is now part of the graph object (graph$graph_log)

  • Added functionality to automatically generate graph backups at every graph modification; this is in the form of RDS files deposited in a subdirectory (name is based on the graph ID) of the working directory; the option (write_backups, set to FALSE by default) is available in all functions that initialize a graph object (create_graph(), create_random_graph(), from_igraph(), from_adj_matrix())

DiagrammeR 0.8

CRAN release: 2015-10-08

  • Revised many graph functions so they work better together

  • Added many testthat tests to maintain the quality of the graph functions

  • Added functions create_random_graph(), import_graph(), combine_graphs(), country_graph() and select_graph_from_series()

  • Added support for visNetwork graphs as a rendering option with render_graph()

DiagrammeR 0.7

CRAN release: 2015-06-11

DiagrammeR 0.6

CRAN release: 2015-04-30

  • Added several functions to work with graphs: create_node_df(), create_edges(), combine_nodes(), combine_edges(), scale_nodes(), scale_edges(), get_nodes(), node_info(), graphviz_graph(), graphviz_render(), and graphviz_export()

  • Removed the graphviz_nodes_edges_df() and graphviz_single_df() functions

DiagrammeR 0.5

CRAN release: 2015-03-19

  • Added support for subgraphs and Gantt charts in mermaid diagrams

  • Added function graphviz_nodes_edges_df() for generating Graphviz DOT code that defines nodes and edges (and their attributes) from data in two data frames: one for nodes, the other for the edge operations

  • Added function graphviz_single_df() for generating Graphviz DOT code from a single data frame

  • Incorporated the new substitution operators @_{...} or @^{...} in grViz statements for subscripting and superscripting, respectively

DiagrammeR 0.4

CRAN release: 2015-01-30

  • Added support for substitution in Graphviz graph specifications

  • Added support for Graphviz diagrams in the Shiny app

DiagrammeR 0.3

  • Added support for the Graphviz neato, twopi, and circo engines

DiagrammeR 0.2

  • Added the viz.js library to enable Graphviz support

DiagrammeR 0.1

CRAN release: 2015-01-09

  • Initial release

  • Incorporated into the htmlwidgets framework

  • Added basic shiny app