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Delete one of the global attributes stored within a graph object of class dgr_graph).


delete_global_graph_attrs(graph, attr = NULL, attr_type = NULL)



A graph object of class dgr_graph.


The name of the attribute to delete for the type of global attribute specified.


The specific type of global graph attribute to delete. The type is specified with graph, node, or edge.


A graph object of class dgr_graph.


# Create a new graph and add
# some extra global graph attrs
graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
    attr = "overlap",
    value = "true",
    attr_type = "graph") %>%
    attr = "penwidth",
    value = 3,
    attr_type = "node") %>%
    attr = "penwidth",
    value = 3,
    attr_type = "edge")

# Inspect the graph's global
# attributes
graph %>%
#> # A tibble: 20 × 3
#>    attr        value      attr_type
#>    <chr>       <chr>      <chr>    
#>  1 layout      neato      graph    
#>  2 outputorder edgesfirst graph    
#>  3 bgcolor     white      graph    
#>  4 fontname    Helvetica  node     
#>  5 fontsize    10         node     
#>  6 shape       circle     node     
#>  7 fixedsize   true       node     
#>  8 width       0.5        node     
#>  9 style       filled     node     
#> 10 fillcolor   aliceblue  node     
#> 11 color       gray70     node     
#> 12 fontcolor   gray50     node     
#> 13 fontname    Helvetica  edge     
#> 14 fontsize    8          edge     
#> 15 len         1.5        edge     
#> 16 color       gray80     edge     
#> 17 arrowsize   0.5        edge     
#> 18 overlap     true       graph    
#> 19 penwidth    3          node     
#> 20 penwidth    3          edge     

# Delete the `penwidth` attribute
# for the graph's nodes using the
# `delete_global_graph_attrs()` fcn
graph <-
  graph %>%
    attr = "penwidth",
    attr_type = "node")

# View the remaining set of global
# attributes for the graph
graph %>%
#> # A tibble: 19 × 3
#>    attr        value      attr_type
#>    <chr>       <chr>      <chr>    
#>  1 layout      neato      graph    
#>  2 outputorder edgesfirst graph    
#>  3 bgcolor     white      graph    
#>  4 fontname    Helvetica  node     
#>  5 fontsize    10         node     
#>  6 shape       circle     node     
#>  7 fixedsize   true       node     
#>  8 width       0.5        node     
#>  9 style       filled     node     
#> 10 fillcolor   aliceblue  node     
#> 11 color       gray70     node     
#> 12 fontcolor   gray50     node     
#> 13 fontname    Helvetica  edge     
#> 14 fontsize    8          edge     
#> 15 len         1.5        edge     
#> 16 color       gray80     edge     
#> 17 arrowsize   0.5        edge     
#> 18 overlap     true       graph    
#> 19 penwidth    3          edge