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With a graph object of class dgr_graph, add a node prism to the graph.


  type = NULL,
  label = TRUE,
  rel = NULL,
  node_aes = NULL,
  edge_aes = NULL,
  node_data = NULL,
  edge_data = NULL



A graph object of class dgr_graph.


The number of nodes describing the shape of the prism. For example, the triangular prism has n equal to 3 and it is composed of 6 nodes and 9 edges. For any n-gonal prism, the graph will be generated with 2n nodes and 3n edges.


An optional string that describes the entity type for the nodes to be added.


Either a vector object of length n that provides optional labels for the new nodes, or, a logical value where setting to TRUE ascribes node IDs to the label and FALSE yields a blank label.


An optional string for providing a relationship label to all new edges created in the node prism.


An optional list of named vectors comprising node aesthetic attributes. The helper function node_aes() is strongly recommended for use here as it contains arguments for each of the accepted node aesthetic attributes (e.g., shape, style, color, fillcolor).


An optional list of named vectors comprising edge aesthetic attributes. The helper function edge_aes() is strongly recommended for use here as it contains arguments for each of the accepted edge aesthetic attributes (e.g., shape, style, penwidth, color).


An optional list of named vectors comprising node data attributes. The helper function node_data() is strongly recommended for use here as it helps bind data specifically to the created nodes.


An optional list of named vectors comprising edge data attributes. The helper function edge_data() is strongly recommended for use here as it helps bind data specifically to the created edges.


A graph object of class dgr_graph.


# Create a new graph and
# add 2 prisms
graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
    n = 3,
    type = "prism",
    label = "a") %>%
    n = 3,
    type = "prism",
    label = "b")

# Get node information from this graph
graph %>% get_node_info()
#>    id  type label deg indeg outdeg loops
#> 1   1 prism     a   3     1      2     0
#> 2   2 prism     a   3     1      2     0
#> 3   3 prism     a   3     1      2     0
#> 4   4 prism     a   3     2      1     0
#> 5   5 prism     a   3     2      1     0
#> 6   6 prism     a   3     2      1     0
#> 7   7 prism     b   3     1      2     0
#> 8   8 prism     b   3     1      2     0
#> 9   9 prism     b   3     1      2     0
#> 10 10 prism     b   3     2      1     0
#> 11 11 prism     b   3     2      1     0
#> 12 12 prism     b   3     2      1     0

# Node and edge aesthetic and data
# attributes can be specified in
# the `node_aes`, `edge_aes`,
# `node_data`, and `edge_data`
# arguments


graph_w_attrs <-
  create_graph() %>%
    n = 3,
    label = c(
      "one", "two",
      "three", "four",
      "five", "six"),
    type = c(
      "a", "a",
      "b", "b",
      "c", "c"),
    rel = "A",
    node_aes = node_aes(
      fillcolor = "steelblue"),
    edge_aes = edge_aes(
      color = "red",
      penwidth = 1.2),
    node_data = node_data(
      value = c(
        1.6, 2.8, 3.4,
        3.2, 5.3, 6.2)),
    edge_data = edge_data(
      value =
          n = 9,
          mean = 5.0,
          sd = 1.0)))

# Get the graph's node data frame
graph_w_attrs %>% get_node_df()
#>   id type label fillcolor value
#> 1  1    a   one steelblue   1.6
#> 2  2    a   two steelblue   2.8
#> 3  3    b three steelblue   3.4
#> 4  4    b  four steelblue   3.2
#> 5  5    c  five steelblue   5.3
#> 6  6    c   six steelblue   6.2

# Get the graph's edge data frame
graph_w_attrs %>% get_edge_df()
#>   id from to rel penwidth color    value
#> 1  1    1  2   A      1.2   red 5.996605
#> 2  2    2  3   A      1.2   red 6.107490
#> 3  3    3  1   A      1.2   red 4.721914
#> 4  4    4  5   A      1.2   red 6.019205
#> 5  5    5  6   A      1.2   red 5.045437
#> 6  6    6  4   A      1.2   red 6.575780
#> 7  7    1  4   A      1.2   red 5.218288
#> 8  8    2  5   A      1.2   red 3.953465
#> 9  9    3  6   A      1.2   red 4.711311