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Within a graph's internal node data frame (ndf), copy the contents an existing node attribute and create a distinct node attribute within the ndf with a different attribute name.


copy_node_attrs(graph, node_attr_from, node_attr_to)



A graph object of class dgr_graph.


The name of the node attribute column from which values will be copied.


The name of the new node attribute column to which the copied values will be placed.


A graph object of class dgr_graph.


# Create a random graph using the
# `add_gnm_graph()` function
graph <-
  create_graph() %>%
    n = 5,
    m = 10,
    set_seed = 23) %>%
    node_attr = shape,
    values = "circle") %>%
    node_attr = value,
    values = rnorm(
      n = count_nodes(.),
      mean = 5,
      sd = 1) %>% round(1))

# Get the graph's internal
# ndf to show which node
# attributes are available
graph %>% get_node_df()
#>   id type label  shape value
#> 1  1 <NA>     1 circle   5.3
#> 2  2 <NA>     2 circle   4.4
#> 3  3 <NA>     3 circle   5.8
#> 4  4 <NA>     4 circle   5.9
#> 5  5 <NA>     5 circle   6.2

# Make a copy the `value`
# node attribute as the
# `width` node attribute
graph <-
  graph %>%
    node_attr_from = value,
    node_attr_to = size)

# Get the graph's internal
# ndf to show that the node
# attribute had been copied
graph %>% get_node_df()
#>   id type label  shape value size
#> 1  1 <NA>     1 circle   5.3  5.3
#> 2  2 <NA>     2 circle   4.4  4.4
#> 3  3 <NA>     3 circle   5.8  5.8
#> 4  4 <NA>     4 circle   5.9  5.9
#> 5  5 <NA>     5 circle   6.2  6.2