The filter_erode() filter effectively thins out a source graphic by a given radius value. The higher the radius, the greater the extent of thinning.

filter_erode(radius = 1)



The extent to which the source graphic will be eroded. If a vector of two values are provided, the first value represents the x-radius and the second one the y-radius. If one value is provided, then that value is used for both x and y.


# Add a text element to an # SVG drawing and erode it with # the `filter_erode()` filter SVG(width = 200, height = 100) %>% svg_filter( id = "erode", filters = list( filter_erode(radius = c(1, 0)) ) ) %>% svg_text( x = 10, y = 40, text = "Erosion", attrs = svg_attrs_pres( font_size = "3em", font_weight = "bolder", filter = "erode" ) )
#> <svg width="200" height="100"> #> <defs> #> <filter id="erode" width="200" height="100"> #> <feMorphology operator="erode" radius="1 0"/> #> </filter> #> </defs> #> <text x="10" y="40" font-size="3em" font-weight="bolder" filter="url(#erode)">Erosion</text> #> </svg>