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The units table contains localized character data across 574 locales. There are 1722 rows and 1281 columns. Each row represents a display type ("long", "short", or "narrow") for each of the locales.

Following the locale and type columns, each unit and its subelements are provided as a cluster of columns in the form "<<category>-unit name>.<subelement name>". The subelement names are:

  • "displayName"

  • "unitPattern-count-one"

  • "unitPattern-count-other"

  • "unitPattern-count-zero"

  • "unitPattern-count-two"

  • "unitPattern-count-few"

  • "unitPattern-count-many"

The "displayName" is the localized name for a unit when displayed outside of a pattern. The "unitPattern-count-*" subelements provide the localized forms of the unit when the value is exactly 0 ("unitPattern-count-one"), 1 ("unitPattern-count-one"), 2 ("unitPattern-count-two"), and, when the value constitutes a few ("unitPattern-count-few") or many ("unitPattern-count-many") units. Every other case is handled by "unitPattern-count-other".




An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 1722 rows and 1281 columns.